Your Guide to Understanding and Balancing the 7 Chakras

Everything you want to know about each of the 7 chakras: purpose, balancing, meditation, mantra, mudra, asana, yoga poses, crystals, essential oils and MORE

Chakras are energy centers that run from the base of your spine to just above the crown of your head.  Sometimes, there are more chakras that extend above the crown, beyond the physical body, but we're going to focus on the well-known 7 chakras.Chakra means wheel in Sanskrit and they are thought to turn, each at their own speed.  An unbalanced chakra spins to slowly or too fast- unbalanced can be under- or over-done.  Each chakra has a special function for the body's physical and spiritual function.  Chakras absorb the energies, scents, colors, moods, meditations, asanas, etc. that we give our bodies.I really enjoyed writing about the chakras because it meant I got to learn a TON more about the chakras.  Each post includes detailed information on the role of each chakra as well as signs of imbalance.Posts also include balancing techniques, such as meditations, mantras, mudras, colors, crystals, and essential oils. Here's a quick and easy breakdown of each chakra and a link to each post in case you want to go more in depth.[Just so you know, this post contains affiliate links, meaning if you click through and buy something, I will receive a small commission]

crown chakra lotus image with aum symbol within

Responsible for awareness, understanding, and enlightenmentMantra: OMAffirmation: I understandAsanas: head stand (salamba sirsasana), savasana (corpse pose), half lotus (ardha padmasana)Essential Oils: frankincense, jasmine, rose, rosewood, cedarwoodFor more on the Crown Chakra, click here.

Third Eye Chakra/Ajna Chakra

Third Eye Chakra: meditation, mantra, mudra, balancing, asana, and more! #chakras #thirdeyechakra

Responsible for Intuition and VisionMantra: SHAMAffirmation: I seeAsanas: balasana (happy baby), dolphin (ardha pincha mayurasana), and downward dog (adho mukha svanasana)Essential Oils: sandalwood, bay laurel, juniper, rosemary, vetiverFor more on the Third Eye Chakra, click here.

Throat Chakra/Vishuddha Chakra

Lotus for the Throat Chakra; read more about balancing, meaning, meditation and mantra

Amazonite and Rudraksha Mala Necklace- 108 Hand-knotted beads

Responsible for communication and ExpressionMantra: HAMAffirmation: I speakAsanas: camel (ustrasana), shoulder stand (salamba sarvangasana), and fish pose (sarvangasana)Essential Oils: lavender, basil, chamomile, peppermintFor more on the Throat Chakra, click here.

Heart Chakra/Anahata Chakra

Anahata Heart Chakra: balancing, meditations, mudras, mantras and more

Responsible for relationshipsMantra: YAMAffirmation: I loveAsanas: camel (ustrasana), bow (dhanurasana), dancer (natarajasana) and cow-face pose (gomukasana)Essential Oils: geranium, jasmine, lavender, tangerine, sandalwoodFor more on the Heart Chakra, click here.*

Solar Plexus Chakra/ Manipura Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra: Power and Will: meaning, meditations, balancing, mantras, mudra, asana. The manipura chakra corresponds with action, choice, power, will and liveliness. #solarplexuschakra #manipurachakra #chakras

Responsible for willpower and courageMantra: RAMAffirmation: I doAsanas: boat (navasana) and bow (dhanurasana)Essential Oils: cinnamon, geranium, lemongrass, sandalwood, wild orangeFor more on the Solar Plexus Chakra, click here.

Sacral Chakra/Svadhistana Chakra

Sacral chakra: functions, meditation, balance

Responsible for creativity, sexuality, and emotionsMantra: VAMAffirmation: I feelAsanas: half happy baby (ardha ananda balasana), pigeon (kapotasana), cow face pose (gomukasana) and more!Essential Oils: patchouli, bergamot, orange, and roseFor more on the Sacral Chakra, click here.

Root Chakra/Muladhara Chakra

Root Chakra: meditation, balancing, meaning, mantra, mudra

Everything you want to know about each of the 7 chakras: purpose, balancing, meditation, mantra, mudra, asana, yoga poses, crystals, essential oils and MORE

Responsible for Security and SurvivalMantra: LAMAffirmation: I amAsanas: Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana 2), standing forward bend (uttanasana), mountain pose (tadasana), head to knee pose (janu sirsasana)Essential Oils: myrrh, frankincense, cedarwoodFor more on the Root Chakra, click here.


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