What's so great about doTERRA essential oils anyway?

Everything you want to know about doTERRA essential oils-- how to join doterra, essential oils for beginners, essential oils for anxiety, how to join doterra team, doterra wellness advocate, doterra wholesale membership, and moreThere's a lot of buzz about essential oils lately, especially doTERRA.  People are excited about the effects on their body and mood.  I'm guessing it's not just my Pinterest feed ;)  I've been to a few classes recently, and I'd like to share the good stuff I've learned.[First off, let me tell you I am enrolled as a doTERRA wellness advocate.  I will receive a small commission if you choose to buy something from my site.  Also, I am not a doctor- my suggestions should not be taken as medical advice.  Essential oils are not recognized to have medical benefits (including treatment, cures, diagnoses, or prevention) by the FDA so take it all in with a grain of salt]

doTERRA's Purity

The biggest reason doTERRA essential oils are well-known, I believe, is their purity.  They coined the term Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade to describe how pure their oils are and set a standard for essential oils to live up to.  doTERRA tests their oils in 7 different ways, in-house and with outside testers.  They even check the chemistry of the oils to be sure it's a pure match.

Where do Essential Oils Come From?

Essential Oils come from plants- flower petals, citrus peels, tree barks, herb leaves, etc.  They are crushed, pressed, ground, etc. to get out the best parts.Throughout history, essential oils have been revered for their healing powers.  Cleopatra's grave robbers didn't want her gold, they came for the oils!  Frankincense and myrrh ring a bell?

Where do doTERRA Essential Oils come from?

doTERRA works with local farmers to grow the plants for their oils.  They look for places where the plants grow indigenously because plants grow best in their natural habitat; they're in their purest, most natural form.  doTERRA partners with the farmers to bottle the oils on site too, after stringent cleaning to remove all contaminants.  If there's a molecule of dust or a blade of grass mixed in, the oil isn't used.  They test every batch.  You can call or email them and get the test results of your individualized bottle of oil.  They're happy to share-- they're proud of what's in every drop!They even have a charity that supports people in need.  They sent calming oils and hygiene packs over to the children at my school after our school and the students' homes were taken by lava.

Potential Benefits: There's an Oil for that!

Everything you want to know about doTERRA essential oils-- how to join doterra, essential oils for beginners, essential oils for anxiety, how to join doterra team, doterra wellness advocate, doterra wholesale membership, and moreEssential oils give your body a little boost.  They don't in themselves cure you of anything, but they help support the body to strive to be the healthiest it can.  They work with your body on a cellular level to support the body's functions.Individual essential oils have amazing potential benefits (though legally, I promise you nothing).  Here are a few examples:

  • Peppermint can help with respiratory function, clear breathing and repels bugs
  • Lavender is calming and can help with sleep.  It also helps with skin imperfections
  • Melalucca (tea tree) can help purify and help with immune function
  • Wild orange can uplift body and mind and support immune function.  This one's popular!
  • Cassia (related to cinnamon) helps with digestion, metabolic and immune function and it's uplifting!
  • Lemon cleanses and purifies (inside and out) and can lift the mood
  • Frankincense is called the "king of the oils" and can bring about peaceful feelings while supporting the immune, nervous and digestive systems
  • Ylang ylang can help skin and hair looking great and simultaneously calms and elevates the mood

Almost anything that you're up against there is an oil for.  doTERRA has individual oils and special proprietary blends intended to enhance your mood, boost your immune system, calm you, ease your pain, support your digestion, help you sleep, relieve tension and more.

How can you use Essential Oils?

Everything you want to know about doTERRA essential oils-- how to join doterra, essential oils for beginners, essential oils for anxiety, how to join doterra team, doterra wellness advocate, doterra wholesale membership, and moreThere are 3 ways you can use doTERRA oils

  1. Aromatically- Diffusers are great for spreading the scent of essential oils, freshen the air, and boost your mood.  I know it seems like you can only smell it from about 8 feet away, but actually, the oils can reach up to 40 feet away.
  2. Topically- You can put the oils directly on your skin.  Since your skin is your largest organ, it will only take about 30 seconds for those oils to reach your bloodstream.  From there, it only takes about 30 minutes for the oils to reach every cell in your body.  The best place to put your oils?  The soles of your feet, believe it or not.  The soles of your feet have the largest pores so they soak the oils in the best.  Other optimal locations for putting the oils are on the inside of your wrists and elbows and the back of your knees because of the type of tissue found there.  10 Essential oils you need every day (from Katia Yoga)Other great spots are your temples or under your chin.  Another option: rub the oils between your palms and smell them in your hands.  This helps the oils reach your nose and bloodstream easily.  Some oils should be diluted a little first with some fractionated coconut oil (a medium-chain fatty oil).  Some people also have sensitivities to some oils and need to be careful with applying them to their bodies or taking them internally.
  3. Internally- doTERRA oils are pure enough that you can ingest them!  There are a couple of ways to do it- with a couple of drops in water, in a capsule, or a drop under your tongue.  doTERRA oils that can be taken this way have supplemental facts on the side, like food does.

Also check out my post on Top 10 Essential Oils to use EVERYDAY. -> -> ->

Oil + Water

Everyone knows they don't mix, hey.  Many modern medicines are water-based and they have a hard time permeating the cell membrane to fight threats and boost good cells too.

How do I get doTERRA oils?

Everything you want to know about doTERRA essential oils-- how to join doterra, essential oils for beginners, essential oils for anxiety, how to join doterra team, doterra wellness advocate, doterra wholesale membership, and moreThere are a few ways you can order oils:

  1. Add to cart and check out!  This is the easiest, of course, no need to sign up for anything!
  2. Join as a wholesale customer.  For a $35 annual fee, you can join the club and take 25% off of all of your oils all of the time.  Even better?  Join with an enrollment package (a small collection of oils and perhaps a diffuser?) and skip the fee.  Sweet.
  3. Join as a wellness advocate (like me!)  Everything's the same as being a wholesale customer, EXCEPT you can also make a business out of it if anyone you know might also be interested in oils, you can hook them up!  And you get access to ebooks, high-quality images, and presentations to help you learn and share essential oils.

Head to my doTERRA site!BONUS as a wholesale customer or wellness advocate, you have the *option* to also join the loyalty rewards program (no pressure- you can still get the rad discounts I told you about without this part).  If you order 50 PV monthly (personal volume, which comes close to 1 PV to a dollar) you can earn a bigger discount on all of your oils over time-- they increase your discount every 3 months and after a year, everything you order is 55% off!  Yassssss.


To become a wellness advocate or wholesale customer,

  1. head to THIS PAGE
  2. click "Become a Member" at the top
  3. Then it's time to choose if you'd like to be a wholesale customer or wellness advocate-- either way, click the button to make your choice
  4. Fill in some info about yourself and your account (wellness advocates must give their SSN for tax purposes once your business is up and running)
  5. Follow the steps to
    1. choose your enrollment kit (or pay the $35 fee at the bottom)
    2. add other products (optional!)
    3. review your order
    4. choose your shipping method (I usually downgrade!)
    5. enter payment info

6. Get amazing essential oils in your mailbox in a few short days!!  (This is the best step!)

Is it *just* oils?

Nope!  doTERRA has lots of great personal care products, supplements, health products, diffusers, and accessories for a lifestyle of wellness.

What are you waiting for?  >Check it out!<

Everything you want to know about doTERRA essential oils-- how to join doterra, essential oils for beginners, essential oils for anxiety, how to join doterra team, doterra wellness advocate, doterra wholesale membership, and moreEverything you want to know about doTERRA essential oils-- how to join doterra, essential oils for beginners, essential oils for anxiety, how to join doterra team, doterra wellness advocate, doterra wholesale membership, and more


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