Yoga Poses for beginners to feel the magic of Yoga

Yoga helps in developing a positive mind and body. It helps you learn to control your mind in an effective way which enhances your overall well being. Yoga is good for people of all age groups, even children. The earlier you start, the better it is. By engaging children in yoga they learn to control stress promoting a healthy and peaceful life. This post will help you get started with yoga poses for beginners.

If you are a beginner you should not start doing difficult asanas immediately. You have to prepare your body to take on the stress by practicing easier asanas and going further to the complex ones. If you have not practiced yoga ever and have heard about the benefits from people then this is the right time to start. It is guaranteed that your perception of life will change and you will lead life in a happier and peaceful way. 

Some of the poses for beginners are:

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Tadasana Mountain Pose

Tadasana is a basic asana which needs standing erect and can be done anywhere and by everyone. It is a very simple asana and can be done by beginners with ease. It is advised to perform this asana on an empty stomach or have your meals before 4-6 hours of practicing yoga. 

This has to be performed by standing erect, stretching your hands upwards, looking up and focusing on your breath. It improves body posture, respiration and balance of the body. It also reduces flat feet. 

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Cobra Pose Bhujanghasana

Perform this asana by lying flat on the stomach and lifting your upper body with your hands by placing the weight of your upper body on your elbows. Try to hold this position for a few seconds and repeat two to three times. 

This is a very beneficial asana which helps in improving the digestive, reproductive and urinary systems and strengthens the back. It helps in stimulating the abdominal organs, relieving stress and fatigue, stretches the chest, lungs, shoulders and abdomen. This asana should be avoided by pregnant women and people who have a back injury. 

Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

Vrksasana Tree Pose

This asana is also performed by standing erect. To perform this asana, you have to stretch your hands upwards and put one foot on the thigh of the other leg. You have to focus while performing this asana as you have to stand on one leg. 

Why this is called the tree pose? Because your legs and feet represent the roots of a tree on which the tree stands as they give support to balance your upper body. It helps in strengthening your core and relaxes your mind. It improves your body posture which often gets affected by sitting for long hours in the office as most of us are involved in sedentary work.

Bow pose (Dhanurasana)

Dhanurasana Bow Pose

For this asana, you have to lie down on your stomach and rest your arms sideways of your body. Grip your ankles with your hands and lift your knees from your hips, also lifting your thighs. 

This pose helps in strengthening your thighs, chest and back, improves your posture and stimulates the neck and abdomen. It also expands your chest by increasing the breathing capacity of your lungs. 

Ayurveda and yoga are interrelated disciplines of India. By practicing yoga you should try to include Ayurveda in your life to lead a happy and healthy life. Ayurveda courses in India are popular as Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga. Ayurveda courses in Kerala are considered the most popular and people from all over the world come here to learn about it.

Triangle pose (Trikonasana)

Trikonasana Triangle Pose

Trikonasana is an easy asana with many benefits. To perform this asana, you have to stand and extend your arms sideways and keep them in level with the shoulders. Inhale slowly, raise the left arm and bend the body in the right by pointing it downwards and fingers pointed at the toes. 

You should keep your eyes open and face the ceiling. Maintaining balance in this asana is the main purpose. Maintain this position for a minute and repeat the same for the other side. It improves your digestion and burns fat in the belly. It strengthens the legs, knees, ankles, arms and chest. It also helps in reducing anxiety, stress and back pain.

Standing Forward Fold Pose (Uttanasana)

Uttanasana Standing Forward Bend

Uttanasana is about the inversion of your upper body which stretches your body in such a way that it improves your blood circulation. There is a flow of blood to your head. 

To perform this asana you have to stand erect first, then bend down from the waist and touch your ankle or the floor while you exhale. Try to hold it for a few seconds. This asana relaxes your body and mind.  

Warrior II pose (Virabhadrasana B)

Virabhadrasana II Warrior II

By practicing this pose regularly, your muscles in the thighs and shoulders will get toned. It stretches your lungs, chest and shoulders and helps in stimulating abdominal organs and improves digestion. It also increases your stamina and promotes peace and relaxation. 

To achieve this posture, raise your arms parallel to the floor and stretch them to the sides. Your shoulder blades should widen and palms should face down. Your right foot should turn right and left foot to the left 90 degrees. Your thighs should be firm and turn your left thigh outward. Bend your left knee over the left ankle and try to bring your left thigh parallel to the floor. Strengthen the right leg and press the right heel on the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds and reverse the feet and repeat the asana.

Final Thoughts

Enjoy these poses while you take the first step towards evolving yourself physically and mentally. HappyYoga!!!

Author Bio:

Bipin Baloni is a yoga teacher from India and his core specialization is in Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga. He organizes 200-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. Bipin Baloni loves writing and reading books related to yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda and Health.

Try these 7 yoga poses for beginners with detailed instructions for how to get into the poses and details on how each pose benefits your body


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